


Learn to develop amazing animations for the web/apps

A campaign by Adam Scott

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A campaign by Adam Scott
1 campaigns, 0 contributions

The Goal - You're creating amazing interactive animations

You will come away from these courses excited and passionate about creating high quality rich animations. You don't need any background besides basic HTML/CSS as we will teach you programming starting in course #1 where you will learn JavaScript through animation. Bring joy to your life, Line up your pockets with a skill that is always in demand and empower yourself with the endless opportunities creative developers have.

By joining our complete bundle of courses you will be empowered with everything you need to know from beginner all the way to a skilled animation developer. These courses will excite you and motivate you to create a high quality Rich animations and if for variety of outputs fitting for HTML5, JavaScript, Flash banners, Desktop applications, IOS and android apps using the GSAP JavaScript and AS3 library.

Stretch Goals:

  • $5,000  -  extra samples in all courses.
  • $10,000 - Extra Surprise Bonus course for all supporters In January.
  • $15,000 - 2 Live Q&A Sessions for supporters of full bundle

The courses in this bundle:

Course 1:

Learning JavaScript through Animation
Learning JavaScript through Animation

Target Student: New to code with light HTML/CSS background.
Retail Price: $199

Learning better is better. You want to be challenged, You need to be challenged but that does not mean it can't be fun. Forget about boring technical jargon. Visually stimulating experiences is the answer. The logic is simple: when you enjoy coding, you code more. It inspires you to push yourself and in the process you learn more and enjoy it as you're rewarded immediately when you're developing your skills through amazing animations.

Instead of reading a massive coding bible(and giving up on page 12) wouldn't it be wonderful if you could turn programing into a fun animation project? Fun always makes things easier, Even when they're challenging. If you ever had a dream to program or to animate this is a must course for you. read more.

Course 2:

Animating in JavaScript better, is better
Animating in JavaScript better, is better

This course is for students that already know some JavaScript but have limited background in animation. In this course you will discover the TweenLite and TweenMax animation libraries, you will learn the differences between them and how to maximize them to create stunning interactive animations. By the end of this course you will have the skills needed to create web interactive animations.

Target Student: Knows JavaScript no/light animation skills.
Retail Price: $149

Course 3:

Advanced JavaScript Animations
Advanced JavaScript Animations

This course will fit animators/developers that are already familiar and comfortable animating with the TweenLite/TweenMax libraries. Through this course you will learn about the usage of nested animations and creating Timelines for more advanced animations. We will create together complex animation tasks and break them down to simple concepts that will help you become a better developer. By the end of this lesson you will have all the skills needed to create complex interactive timeline animations.

Target Student: Knows JavaScript & how to work with TweenLite/TweenMax.
Retail Price: $149

Course 4:

Animating ads with TweenNano(AS3)
Animating ads with TweenNano(AS3)

This is the starting point for animation in Adobe Flash using TweenNano. By the end of this course you will have the foundation understandings of how to animate with the GSAP library. We will cover the main animation methods, properties and callbacks. By the end of this course you will be capable of creating your own Ad animations.

Target Student: Lite AS3 or JavaScript background.
Retail Price: $49

Course 5:

The TweenLite and TweenMax Master Class(AS3)
The TweenLite and TweenMax Master Class(AS3)

 This course will go through all the critical components of TweenLite and TweenMax with live examples that will showcase how to leverage these libraries to their max. This course is jam packed with many examples and illustrations to showcase how to take advantage of the features backed in these libraries.

Main Topics: TweenLite, Plugins, Animating non visual elements, Animating Sound, creating custom animations, tricks and tips to improve your animations and more.
Target Student:
Lite AS3/JavaScript background with basic animation skills.
Retail Price: $149

Course 6: 

The TimelineLite and TimelineMax Master Class(AS3)
The TimelineLite and TimelineMax Master Class(AS3)

This course will go through all the critical components of TimelineLite and TimelineMax with live examples that will showcase how to leverage these libraries to their max. This course is jam packed with many examples and illustrations to showcase how to take advantage of the features backed in these libraries.

Target Student: AS3 developers with with animation skills.
Retail Price: $149

Why programing animation is critical for everyone.

One of the most critical skills in the modern world is the capability to analyze and to visualize information. The most successful people in all industries have a sharp eye for analyzing information but yet have a very visually fluid process of thinking. We are all born with these latent capabilities. These features are inside each and every one of us but need to be nurtured for them to strengthen.

We think programmatic animation is one of the most fun, creative and powerful ways to engage your mind and at the same time create content that will stand out on the web.

One of our most popular courses is our HTML with Mom – where I grabbed my mom that barely know how to check her emails and taught her HTML. Check out some of our other projects on

We think learning should be fun and engaging for example our project from last year when My mom joined me to learn HTML – Check that intro out to see our style.

Why learn with us?

Learning is about being part of a community
Learning is about being part of a community

We know that learning a new skill is hard so we make it easier by making it easier for you to connect with other students learning the same thing at the same time. We integrated commenting in every area of the site to make it easier for you to interact with other students and with us. We have unlimited live support. We will never give up on you, we will be with you until you get it.

Our motto is “learning better is better”. In the age of twitter and social media most modern online education content assumes a lot about the user. We do our best to simplify and make complex topics really simple and fun. So far we created 103 courses over the last 3 years. Our videos have been viewed over 1,000,000 times, we have 15,000 students and just crossed our 1000 4-5 star review line.