


King of the World

A campaign by Contec Games

  • $0
    Raised of $80,000
  • 0
  • 0
    seconds left
0 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal and was not funded
A campaign by Contec Games
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
King of the World

King of the World is a Real-time Strategy game, inspired by the Risk custom maps from Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2. The game offers both single and multiplayer, with a singleplayer campaign in the works. Game has been in Early access on Steam since the 30th of June, 2017. But we need your help to make it the polished product it deserves to be! 

  • Custom games with up to 12 players/and or bots
  • 3 Different unique maps and settings
  • 3 Different armies from 3 different eras
  • Singleplayer campaign to be released very soon

Newest gameplay video can be seen here: 


  • Ranking system
  • Clan system
  • Queue system for random matches 
  • Teamplay 2vs2, 3vs3 and 6vs6
  • Progression system with unlockable skins (Only in-game currency)
  • Full 3 Act Singleplayer Campaign
  • More maps
  • More intelligent bots
  • And lots of other smaller things

We're currently developing a singleplayer campaign for the game, which will offer custom units, new maps, quest, dialogues and of course an epic story! The first chapter in Act 1 will release in a few weeks, and the rest of the chapters will be released separately in updates. We might release Act 2 and 3 fully later. 





Want to get more information and follow the game? Here's links to the platforms we're currently represented on:

Steam store page:



Facebook page:

Youtube channel:

Contact email:

Risks and challenges

Game is currently in Early Access on Steam, which means you will get your hands on a playable product. However unexpected things and problems can arise causing delays to the finished product.

We do not have any loans, investors etc. So while we currently have a very small budget, there's not any risk of bankruptcy or cut funding.